viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

my blogging experience

From this semester in English, I had to create a blog to start writing in him, to reinforce English and writing, this has to write about different topics, each class.
I like the method because it can strengthen writing and language skills, besides writing on various topics that concern us is very entertaining, such as: our dreams, our favorite photography, our place Preferred etc., and also to read the blogs of my classmates, knowledge their views, preferences and comment is very fun and interesting.
I think my writing skills have improved a bit, not even completely dominated me is very difficult to learn.
In future I would like to write about my development as a professional, as I advance in the career of Public administration and write about different jobs that participate.
Also I would like writing on the changes that there experiences the society, the poverty that exists in Chile and also on the topics that more I liked and I learned in the university, this way to be able to help persons who are studying and need knowing a little more.
In conclusion this activity i thought was very entertaining and informative, as a method to learn more about the language and in order to improve.


viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

my dreams

In my life dream of being a great professional know much about the Administration and happy to see my son, also I want to have a large house in the south of Chile (Temuco) that has a large garden with trees, pets and pool. also I want to travel and see the world, especially Europe.
In Europe I want to know many countries such as Spain, Rome, etc. Also a place to sleep with machupichu know is because it is one of the seven wonders of the world, and Per is a very cheap country, you can buy many things, and also know their culture .
Also dream of having a big company or a supermarket chain to astener more money to help vulnerable people in need.
In addition also dream of having a big family, with more members and five children
if I can make my dreams, my life and my family would be better with more quality and happier.
what can stop my dreams is education, if I can not finish college and be a professional will not be able to have so many material things, but if you have a family.
As I said earlier what would help me fulfill my dreams more is to have my profession.
bye !

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015


Germán codina

He is mayor of district of Puente alto, is a Chilean political, member of the political party RN, he is te youngest councilman voted in chile, He is 41 years of age. Is mayor of puente alto since two thousand twelve,  to now.
Im chose this person because he is the mayor of my district and also he was student of public administration at university of Chile.

Public politics implemented in the district

  • ·         Its perfoms  a series of activities to residents including entertaining winter holidays
  • ·         One of the most important thing that the mayor have done is that he is fighting against the delinquency.
  • ·         He got a meeting with all the mayors of Santiago to discuss about the public politics and delinquency and how they affect to the people. Also he implement the built of a new PDI on Puente alto.
  • ·         It is reflected that has done a good job as administrator

In conclusion I can say that this mayor have done a good work for Puente alto.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My favorite photograph

Hello, this photo is my last vacation.

This photo was taken on holiday in 2015, for me, with my cellphone.
It is the Maihue lake, located in the region of the rivers, this is one of the largest lakes there.
This trip was my brother, his wife, daughter and son.
It is a rather deep lake, with sand in the bottom, surrounded by trees and mountains, we went to acampor for seven days, we swam every day in the lake, my brother was fishing, also in we were doing evening campfires with other persons They had.
The best thing was that the children were playing with nature and not with technological devices.
The lake was two hours away from Futrono so it is a place that can only be reached by car live very few people and the food is quite expensive.
A visit to such a place to unwind and forget serves the city for a while, to have peace and rest.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

how sports can improve chilean life standards

You can say that most of the sports are for health, but even those that involve physical activity, among the sports that help physical activity is tennis, soccer, martial arts, swimming. These sports involve physical wear greater than others, such as for example golf.

However practicing sports is not without its problems, sometimes there are no inputs to practice or also there is with the right materials, most of the time happens in the towns more poor people in the country.

Therefore, that the Government should act to resolve these problems, through a public policy that covers the expenses of a person who practice sports but doesn't have the resources.

The benefits that brings to practice a sport are multiple, they help in health (improving the quality of life), for example to combat obesity, can also be seen as a hobby or as a lifestyle.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favorite piece of technology

 My favorite piece is the cell phone, is a rather actual device that has undergone many changes over time now including camera, music player, Wi-Fi, among others.
I have cell phone long time, eight years approximately, but the most current I have it this year and it has many more features than the previous one.
The cell is small in size and used the finger in a very simple way, use it most of the time, almost all day, I love it because it keeps me informed I entertain myself with social networks I can call, send text messages, take pictures and listen to music.
The truth is that I can not imagine my life without a cell phone, when I have not am thinking, help much to keep up with today is as a companion of life, I love my cell phone.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

I am in the third semester of my college career. I began  semester March, was all very well, I have six subjects including statistics, microeconomics, theory of science, among others. the first week was enough to realize the branches which would complicate me more, microeconomics with the graphics looks complicated. within the university took only one extracurricular which is English, and I decided not to take others. near the first week of April began the demonstrations of our race due to poor infrastructure situation in which we have the University of Chile. and since we are now in paralizacin of activities, so I hope this year is passing all classes and I go excellent. and so far everything is going perfect and I hope it stays as. bye